This coming June, there will be Call2All Asian Global Congress that will be held in Hong Kong. This is organized by Call2All Mission and I want to go to this conference to seek partnership and make connections with other agencies that would be willing to give a hand on that project of Mission Organization that i was talking about previously. Please pray for me so this could happen. The conference will be held on June 01 to June 06. At the same time, I am also one of those students that will be going to Thailand Mission Trip. This trip is only going there once a year. I want you to pray for me because I want to find a place or agency over there that would be willing to host missionaries over there in Thailand. I feel that going to Thailand for only 10 weeks or less every year to minister and wait for about eight months before going back need to be adjusted. Waiting for eight months is too long. So pray for me regarding these plans that i want to accomplish, so if it is Will of God, it may happen.
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