Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Starting Mission Organization

I have been seeing a lot of Micronesian students graduating from this PIBC and even some bible colleges abroad, and it makes me feel sad that right after they finish schooling, they hardly find a job that fits their degree or the field that they studied in college. I thought is was only my goal or should I say vision to build a foundation of some kind of Mission Organization over here in Micronesia for those people who are really interested in serving the Lord. When I started sharing my ideas about this goal that I want to accomplish, I found out that this has been requested before. I found out from a board member, Martin Auch, that even Pator Billy Kuartei have mentioned this before. But in some term, the process did not start. Even Pastor Hedrick Kual had this in mind. I have talked to some board members and they told me that this was mentioned in their prayer, not specifically the building of the organization but about the Micronesian to become a full time missionary.

With some help from Pastor Hedrick, he gave me some breif information of how this mission organization will function:

This organization or ministry is committed to creating a platform for young Palauan/Micronesians to serve God in the capacity that God has called and gifted them.

Young Christians in Palau/Micronesia fail to follow through God's calling for ministry because of the lack of finacial support and coaching. There is a need for a ministry that will provide a platform for service for young people and will continue until the local church is able to provide such a platfrom for their own young people. This effort will also bridge the generational gap within the Micronesian Churches.

  • Work to connect aspiring missionaries to mission agencies
  • Seek financial support for Micronesian Missionaries locally and abroad
  • Place missionaries in the mission field
  • Promote a lifestyle of giving among Christians especially toward mission work
  • Seek assistance and support for retiring missionaries or Church workers
  • To promote vision for world international mission
  • To provide assistance and resources to peope in Kingdom visions
  • To bring technical assistance and other resources to support Micronesain Churches
  • Actively seek finances to support projects aimed at building the Kingdom of God
  • Promote training and education to those called to minister within the Church
  • Seek finacial aid and scholarships
  • Assist graduates in the trasition to ministries
  • Create fellowship groups among Christians in the communities
  • Encourage and assist Christians to take technical and professional jobs
  • To start a mission agency to provide ministry/missions related servides to Micronesians by 1012
  • To begin a network and partnership of Micronesians in Ministry ASAP.
These are just few things that are on the List of Function for this goal or vision. Another major thing in my mind is when the student from PIBC graduate, we can use this agency or organization to send the graduate students to abroad for couple of months ministry as their internship. After a couple of months, they will come back. If the graduate student wanted to continue the ministry that he/she did, this agency will send him/her back as a full time missionary. This has been on the back of my mind and I have heard a lot of people that already have parts on this work through prayers or concerns.

It is my prayer request that may this goal or vision could happen. This agency will be associating with the churches in Micronesia, so pray that the churches may also welcome this upcoming work. It is not only my goal, but my cry that Micronesians will have opportunity to go abroad as a full time missionaries. Gospel came to Palau almost 80 years ago, even other Micronesian Islands. I think there should be some actions taking place right now. There are some people that have not heard the name JESUS CHRIST outside these islands and I think we should start taking actions. Actually, it has been started in Thailand Mission and I think we should expand it to other places abroad. Pray for this so the plans can go well.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Coffee mug

Last semester, I found a cup inside the white van, so I brought it to the chapel and announced about it. No one claimed it until now. So instead of spending my time looking for the owner for this mug, I brought it to my room and wait for someone to claim it. This cup was found during the end of November last year. After couple of weeks, no one claimed it so I started using it. I really enjoyed using this cup because inside this cup is stainless that will keep my coffee hot for a good amount of time. It is not too small that will run out of coffee very easily and it is not too big that will worn out the energy of my wrist when tilting it to sipp the coffee out of it. But there is one thing that I just found out. One morning during the beginning of this semester, I fixed my coffee and went to attend my preaching practicum class. During the middle of the class, we were talking about observing the passage of our sermon and it brought my mind to my Preaching One class when I was in Palau. Guess What? This very coffee cup was one of the item that we used to demonstrate of how we observe the text or the passage. I did pay attention to this cup when I observed it and I observed it very well so I know that it is the cup that we used in Palau. So guess what? The only person that was in that class that was here last semester was Rob Watt. I finally already connect all of my Geometric Exposure. Rob came to the Board meeting last year, toward the end of November and probably left his cup in the van. And Yeah, Rob does drink coffee. Thanks Rob for the present.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Expansion of Knowledge During Guam Tour

During our class of Micronesian Church History, I learned a lot that some of them were kind of funny; some were interesting; and some were kind of sad.

As you can see on this picture, this is a Catholic Church on the road to Fort Soledad in Guam. The recovery and maintenance of this church is very good. This is because most of the people in this island of Guam are Catholics. They have preserve this church and probably improved some part of it also. But the sad about this island of Guam is this. Look at the picture below.

This picture is a remaining of the first Protestant Church over here in Guam island. It was never restored after the war and seems like never will be restored in the future. I feel so sad when I look at this church of ours that is no longer useful but just a simple sight to reminisce about.

There were also some sight that were really interesting and was kind of new information to me. As you can see this little shelter, this is a meeting house and they call it Chocolate House. The first time I heard the name, I thought it was a shelter where they make chocolate bars in it. But I was wrong. They call it a Chocolate House because long time ago, Spanish people come to this little shelter on the mid-afternoon and drink hot chocolate while having a meeting. It is also known as Summer House. But later days, American governor's wife replaced the hot chocolate with hot tea. The walls of this shelter or so called summer house is made out of coral stones that was strong enough not to collapse when earthquakes hits the island.

There were also some interesting site like this picture. Oh yeah, I didn't know that caribou was friendly too... Hehe...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Tournament Report

Here are the report of tournaments/intramural in PIBC Guam Campus. Ladies have only two team of volleyball (Lydia's team and Percia's Team) and they started last night. Percia's team won on the third set with the score of 15 to 8. (Officials were still learning about the score that's why the score on the third set just went up to 15)

For the Men, it was the second night for them. Joel's and Tinel's team were playing on the first game and Joel's team took the winning with only 2 points difference. The score was 91 to 89. For the second game, it was Raynard's and Jessie's team. It was really interesting for these two team's performance last night. On the first half, the score had a big gap in between between 10 to 20 points difference with Jessie's team leading. When it came to the third quarter, the score kept going up but the gap never changed. On the last quarter, the gap was closing and Raynard's team were catching up really good. With only little over one minute on the clock, officials added ten points on Raynard's team for the penalty of Jessie's team because they were late on the last week game. When the score was added, it was 86 to 83 with Raynard's team leading. Hudson made a shot worth of two points and Alvin made another shot also worth of two points. So the score is now 88 to 85. The position is on Jessie's team and the time on the clock is only nine seconds. Jessie made a three point shot and tied it up on the knot. The game went over time and now both team got pressure under their palms. After the game was over, Raynard took the victory over Jesse's team with a score of 104 to 90.

Here are the standing of the games:
Raynard's Team= 1 and 1
Jessie's Team= 0 and 2
Joel's Team= 2 and 0
Tinel's Team= 1 and 1
To be continued on the next report...... Thank you for watching and see you next time.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Like, Love, and Worship

Word of choice is very important in our lives. The reason why is because the words you choose in your mind and to speak them are very effective and can cause either peace, war, conflict, settlement, success, corruption, etc. For example, the word "NOT" is one of the. Here are some sentence that we could use as an examples:
  • I do love you; I do "NOT" love
  • I will fight you, I will "NOT" fight you
  • Christ did die for you and me; Christ did "NOT" die for you and me
  • You are my brother; You are "NOT" my brother
Those are just examples of word choice, but the words that I want talk about are LIKE, LOVE, and WORSHIP. Why did I choose these words? Well, it sometimes does affect our conversation and some people misinterpret them. I will break the usage of these terms into detail so we will know how it should function as a Christians. I will talk about them using three different things or objects. These things or objects are CAR, FAMILY, and GOD.

"I have a 1993 Honda CIVIC Hatchback with a manual trans axle and I love this car. This car is my babe." OK. Everything that was said in this quote is true because I own one, but i used a wrong word choice. I use the word "LOVE". I can like my car but I cannot love my car. Next...

Families, we can love them but we cannot worship them. Worship belongs to God. We can worship our God, we can love our God, and we can like our God. We can Love our family, we can like our family, but we cannot worship our family. We can like our car, but we cannot love our car nor worship it.

Some people says, "Man, I love this chocolate." It is just the same as loving his/her car. Some people says, "That guy is my idol." It's just the same as worshiping his/her family.

Why am I saying these? Because saying "That guy is my idol" is also saying "That guy is my god". Word choice is very important because it can break the foundation of friendship or anything that you and someone have been working with for many years within a minute or seconds. These are just some of simple thoughts but are important to put them at the back of our mind and be aware about them.