As you can see on this picture, this is a Catholic Church on the road to Fort Soledad in Guam. The recovery and maintenance of this church is very good. This is because most of the people in this island of Guam are Catholics. They have preserve this church and probably improved some part of it also. But the sad about this island of Guam is this. Look at the picture below.
This picture is a remaining of the first Protestant Church over here in Guam island. It was never restored after the war and seems like never will be restored in the future. I feel so sad when I look at this church of o

There were also some sight that were really interesting and was kind of new information to me. As you can see this little shelter, this is a meeting house and they call it Chocolate House. The first time I heard the name, I thought it was a shelter where they make chocolate bars in it.

There were also some interesting site like this picture. Oh yeah, I didn't know that caribou was friendly too... Hehe...

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