Yesterday I was playing basketball with some of my brothers on the basketball court and I really enjoyed it. But there was something after that that I enjoyed the most. Right after I finished playing, I went to have some good conversation with Matias and Tin

el. The topic of our conversation was general topics about our Christian lives. Through that short conversation, we really got to know each other more and we opened up to each other. While we were still talking, Herr Gorges came and joined us. When he came, the time was around 7:30pm. We continued talking while Matias took of because he was preparing himself for work. Without knowing the time, our conversation covered a lot of good testimonies that we do not really talk about during normal days in PIBC. Through those testimonies and good conversations, we not only got new informations from each other, but we also learned new

things together. With Herr Gorges with us, he helped us to understand a little bit of the things that were unclear to our minds. After we finished this quality time with conversation, I realized that the time was already 9:00pm. This little conversation, I value the most because the fellowship that was situating was priceless. There is only little time in our lives that we can use to share our testimony with our neighbors or anyone that we know. I always value these little time because it helps me grow in my Christian life. It may be only a little conversation, but the testimonies that I heard from Tinel and the advice that I took from Herr Gorges was valueable to me. These are the things that I can say "I treasure them" because I can use them to shape up my life and at the same time, draw me closer to the Almighty God and Everlasting Father.
Tinel is one of the Chuukese brother that I really appreciate as being part of my life. To me, he has proved tom me that he is one of the person that I can depend on. There are a lot of students on this campus that have inspired me like Kinamwe, Joel, Raynard, Alisha, Jaynee, Hudson, Mesikt, Keiny and some other students that I have not mentioned in here, in many different ways. I am living with people who have different varieties of talents, skills, gifts and personalities that a lot of people are wishing to hang around with them. It has been a blessing for me to be in this Guam Campus with these students. I cannot do nothing but just to thank God for providing these good people to my life.
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