Yesterday we had intensive and blessing practice. We practiced songs, dramas and hand motions of action songs.

The guys did really good job on practicing dramas.

It's such a blessing to have awesome people to work with and serving the Lord.

We had good lunch. it was not micronesian style, but more like western style. Roast chicken, potato salad, fritos, tostitos, grapes, and biscuit. mmmmhhh. i don't mind eating these.

After the practice, we came back home to where we stayed and spent time with our host family and just have quality time with them since we always stay out doing ministry or practicing and not hanging out with our family often. Oh, and my family, we had Italian night. We had some hommade spaggetti....

Hommade garic bread....

We had a this special dessert that was the first time ever made so we came up with the name "Cold Strawberry Sundae." This is composed of Cold Strawberry with little sprinkle of sugar, Cookies and Cream Ice Cream, and of course the Ho Ho's on the top of it. mmmmmmhhhhmmmm...

Afterward, we had fun with our family by cleaning the mess and washing the dishes together. We enjoyed the blessing and for me, I enjoyed every bit of these blessings that God is bringing to my life. It's all about Him and Him only. What a wonderful and blessing life to be part of God's plan.
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