We hopped inside the van this morning at about 9ish and head to the church for practice.

This church will be the place that we will use to practice everyday for this upcoming 8 days before we move to another place.

We got there and waited for others to come because we live in different houses.

After everyone came, we started practicing some songs and action movements for tomorrow. We also practiced our Chuukese stick dance.

Oh, and yes... Eric was very helpful in volunteering in dancing, preparing us to see what we could possibly face tomorrow when we get to West L.A.

Definitely, Dave was very flexible when we requested him to pretend that he is one of the youth or teenager that we will ask to dance with us tomorrow. Oh, not only that he was flexible in terms of responding to our request, but you can see that he was very flexible in movement, like how he is swinging on this picture.

Karyn was also volunteering to pretend to be like a youth. All staffs were very helpful. Thank you all for your helps and advices.

After we finished practice, we went to Round Table Pizza for dinner.

And we watched Celtics VS Cavaliers.

Foods were good and the game was good too. Thanks Dave for fulfilling your promises. We had a good night because of you.

Ladies came but i don't really know if they were interested in baskeball or not. But it seems like Jaynee was really paying attention, so they probably were enjoying it.

After dinner, we went to Old Navy and ROSS to by some essencial needs like blankets and sweaters.

Yeah, these kinds of sweaters. It's cold over here not really cold. I can wear only T-shirt and still enjoy walking around. But some of the brothers and sister are kind of not used to this cold weather so they had to buy sweaters. I bought one because I probably gonna use it when we go to Susanville. I heard that it's little bit colder over there.

Then some of us were quick in shopping so they stayed outside waiting for others to finish.

And we waited...

But the trick was that the leaders were actually kept us busy and not try to bring us home early. They did this for our goods, trying to keep us busy so by the time we got home, we were really tired, but ready to sleep at the right time. If they did not do this, we probably would have fallen asleep if we came early, then wake up in the middle of the night and will not be able to sleep again. when i look at my time right now, it's 11:20pm over here but 4:20pm in Guam. This mean that this is the time we actually are awake, sitting and talking stories in Guam. But since the leaders' plan was working really well, i can actually say that i will have a good night sleep tonight without any problem.
Thank you all for praying for us. Please continue to pray for us because we really need your prayers. We have one or two members who are sick because they are not used to the climate over here. One of them told me that it's little bit hard for her to bread on this weather. So please pray for us so we can adjust well to this side of the world. Thank you again and God Bless.
Meluat I am praying for you guys!! It looks like you're having an amazing time already....I can't wait to see how God uses you.