Today we stated little bit earlier. It was little bit cold than other past days. For this day, there were lot of works and very little time to rest, but over all, everything when so well.

Meyou and Kita early morning before we left to church.

We performed some of our songs and actions songs for the kids at the church.

They were so nice and very open. This is Elijah who was very sweet and cute.

I did not really get this girl's name but she loved the camera. I like her smile and she was so outspoken.

This is another kid that Kita was making friend with.

There were some questionaire so some were eager to answer as you can see that girl raising her hand for the questions.

After we finished the Church, we went to have some good Chinese food in Panda Express.

Courage was really enjoying the water while we were waiting for things to do. I went to walk around other stores to look for some things that i might need.

Well, these are some good pictures.

You guys know how am I really crazy about natural pictures.

I am that crazy. I like natural pictures. it looks good.

Then we came back to our house. after that, we went straight to the house and got ready for the evening fellowship. we did some performance over there, but i think the most good thing that happened was when some of the students shared their powerful testimonies like Meyou's testimony and other team members.

There were not many questions that they asked, but there were good amount of testimonies and information that were brought up to the people here before they prayed for us.

There were some good people over there that I talked with and they were really blessing to me.

I have to say that this is really good picture from tonight.

Eric an Nathan discussing about Church History.

Nathan is really good guy whom i enjoyed talking with.
One of the highlight that happened today was when i showed at the side of the stage where the worship team were performing. I can tell the story later about this, but today was a long day but a blessing for me. I just want to thank God for his love for me. Thank you Oh Lord.
My grammar on this post is really messy because im so tired. as long as you can understand, that's all i care. Thank you and God Bless.
What an amazing day. I think I remember that house and some of the people in the picture. I know they are supportive and interested in what you all are doing. Looking forward to more updates!