My last sermon on preaching practicum was based on either poetic or prophetic passage and I chose to do poetic sermon. This was my last sermon for preaching practicum class and my passage was in Proverbs 30:24-28 that talks about four wise creatures. This is a very familiar passage to most Christians. On my preaching, when I described the characteristics of ants, I mentioned that one reason why ants are well prepared ahead of time, "yet they store up their food in the summer;" is because they do not really think much about playing around like grasshopper. Instead, only thing in ant's mind is mission for survival and planning ahead of time. Every opportunity that they get, they will grasp it. When a person eat bread and little particles or pieces of bread falls to the ground or table, ants are not anticipating or hesitating but just go right ahead to get those pieces of bread. Their mind is filled with "Grab the food for the future"; "Prepare the food for the future"; "Take any opportunity that comes your way." Some people might disagree with me when i said that ants' mentality is all about the mission and opportunity, but I can prove it. Look at this....

This is a picture of a bread that has been covered with soil by some effective work of ants. It was not the erosion or person that covered this piece of bread with these particles of soil. You still not convinced that ants are up to mission? well, look at this picture....

This is a picture of ants' kingdom that is built in front of our Connex. This picture is not zoomed and i am not tricking you with the picture. Look at the grasses. They are smaller than this ants' kingdom. It proves that ants are mission oriented creatures and they take any opportunity that comes to their ways. You're still not convinced? Well, put a piece of breath outside your door as i mentioned and wait for at least 10 minutes. make sure that your bread is sweet and not bitter. Ants do prepare things ahead of time while other creatures like grasshoppers enjoy their singing and not concern about their food until the time comes and they run to ants to look for food.
hahaahah...hey brother man you watch to much "Bug's Life" eh??? Yeah I remember that cartoon movie where the grasshoppers were treating the ants bad...
ReplyDeleteBrother man