There are lot of things that people tend to do often and not realizing that there is some bad effect of it. And what makes it bad is that when a person do things over the limit or under the standard level. But once they catch the err of their doings, they will say, "Ohhh".
Things are not bad unless you do them over the limits, or under the standard level. These are some good examples:
Instructor VS Student: There is nothing wrong with the student asking
a question inside the class. But if the student will ask too much questions and consume much of the instructor's time of lecture, it was a benefit for that particular student, but was bad for the rest of the class because the instructor did not deliver his/her full lesson for the day and the rest of the students did not get that lesson. Now, other way around. If the instructor will give lecture for the day and give a chance for the student to ask questions, yet student is hesitating to ask question or not asking at all, it could give assumption to the instructor that the students understands the lesson even though there are some question in their mind. At the same time, student will go home with the question mark in his/her head because he/she did not ask question when he/she had a chance.
Coach VS Pit
cher: (Baseball) When coach see one particular pitcher that could throw any sorts of curves and knuckle ball, he can push the pitcher to draw so he could be confident regarding his throw, but putting him too much on the pitch mount, like for all innings of the games, he could destroy the pitcher's arm. Now, other way around. If the coach says that that particular pitcher got a good arm so he's trying to save him for the tough games, there is no way that that pitcher can improve his confidence when he cannot even go out to the easy or simple game and could cause a big loss when the coach put him on the tough game.
Last is Family VS Christian Work: There is nothing wrong with a Christian who spend
much time with his family and not attending church work. But that Christian must understand that the church (fellowship) could improve if his suggestions or idea could be heard among the fellow members. Even his strength when it comes to church work like fund raising and other sorts of activity could make a difference. Now, other way around. It is okay for a Christian to work in a church from the morning until evening on weekends and also on his spare times on the weekdays. But the problem is that if he does that, he neglect his family. He spend too much time at the church so the flame of love between him and his family would start dimming and sooner or later, it will die.
things in your life. If you do that, you won't have any problems. Spend enough time with your family and enough time to go to church. Eat enough food and not too much or not too less. Speak enough words and not too much to irritate someone or not to less to bore someone. Make enough jokes for everyone to laugh but not too much to make someone get mad. Relax when you need some but don't relax too much to fail your class exams. Speak enough regarding the Gospel. Don't speak too much 'cause you might not have a chance to put them into actions. Check and Balance. Not too Less and Not too Much. Make it enough.
Thanks for posting this! I really enjoyed reading what you have written.