Enrollment on Spring Semester '08
Maaaaan,,,,this has to be the exciting semester. There are six new male students, five from Chuuk and one from
Palau, that enrolled this semester. One of them is living outside the campus but the rest of them stay in the dorm. At the same time, five new female students enrolled this semester too. All of them live oustside campus and schooling. I mean, this gotta be a good semester. I can't wait to get to know these new students. Haha, actually, two of them are already my roomates and they are so cool. they both trasfer from Chuuk Teaching Facility, so they are not new to PIBC but new to Guam Campus.
It was kind of slow registeration. Most of the students came to register in the morning (January 19th), but there were some that even came to register in the late afternoon. After the registeration, students were able to know what kind of book do they need for the classes that they enrolled, so as you can see Karin trying her best to help the studen
ts with their finances and payments for the books. Not only the books, but also the Room and Board and other liable needs on campus.
Aside from registeration, there were some students that finished earlier and they wanted to hang out with some of the brothers and sisters because it was a long month without seeing each other. Oh man, it's good to have all the brothers and sisters back on campus. 
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