Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Triangle cycle (Part TWO)

As I was.....

Water, Land and Sky:
In the cycle of life it also revolves around or on these three components of nature...water, land, and sky. To the attributes of the sky, (expand your measurement of the sky beyond the ozone layer) it produces sun rays to nourish the plants and keeps the earth's temperature warm and safe for living being to survive in it. If less rays, it causes the tropical climate to be cold and the animals and plants that lives in these environments would not survive on its surprising temperature. Even on cold climates like Alaska, there would be no survival on those places because of too dry ice... and guess what? with dry ice, that mean there would be no water. the water will turn into ice, the temperature will consume the last warm temperature in those living being over there within two days or three at the most. Do the math. If cold places would ran out of water because they freeze, it would happen in the warm climates also. Things that would cause death are dehydration because water is frozen and another one is freezing because there is no source of heat.
For the attributes of water, it gives places for fish and other sea creatures or river creatures to survive under water (either salt or fresh water). Water gives cool, moist or humidity to the atmosphere. This would help us to breath easily. If there is no moist in the air, it could cause our eyeballs to dry up easily, causes us to breath hard. Aside from breathing, water keeps the land cool. It produce clouds, gives rain to wet the soil for the plants to drink, and it also keeps us alive by drinking it. Water is a have major attributes when it comes to this type of triangle. Water is important to most of any type of machines in this earth and it is a source of all drinkings in this world. We cannot have soda, Gatorade, coconut, or any sorts of drinks if there is no water.
OK, now the last one is land. the attributes of land is also very important for us. we will die if there is no land. Well, some people might say that we can ride on a boat of there is no land. That is a good thought and well thinking but how would we built our boat without materials because there are no trees around. Land is a source of all plants and plants provides us oxygen.
Why did i consider this a triangle cycle? It is a triangle cycle because there is no way a plant can survive without the sun (sun is attribute of the sky). There is no way fish can survive without water. There is no way human can survive without the land. Human need plants to exchange its breath (Carbon Dioxide to Oxygen). Human need water to drink. And last is human need sun to keep himself warm.

Here are some more triangles that you can look and figure out how they work:
  • Husband, Wife and God
  • Preacher, Message, and Audience
  • Petroleum, Oxygen, and flame
  • Good, Evil, and Choice

Monday, January 26, 2009

Triangle cycle (Part ONE)

There are many things in this world that we can put into triangle and it would help us understand how they function or how its would work better.

Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit:
In the beginning, we cannot really tell what is really going on through the backstage of creation time because God did not allow our understanding to equip those information. The reason for this is because people that time did not have understanding about God and they were still expanding their knowledge about God. But as the lives kept moving toward present time, God reveal himself little by little. The reason for this is because he wanted those people back then to understand God fully even until now. This is what we call Progressive Revelation as I learned it in Doctrine One. God reveals himself to His creation everyday and His creations continues to improve while learning about God or only God's creation. What I mean by this is the materials and the equipments that people use in their daily lives. For example: In the past, people were just using their feet for transportation, and now we use cars, air planes, boats, trains...; people were were wearing linen and now we wear T-shirt and Jeans; people were using swords and sling shot and now we use AT-4, M16, and AK-47; people only knew that God exist and now we know that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit exist. The function of the Trinity is clear so I don't need to explain how it function unless you are against the role of Trinity or you don't understand.

There are many sort of ways you can define blessings, so it is just up to you of how you define it through your experience as a Christian. For me, I like to consider good things that happens to me as a blessing, but my definition of blessing is through suffering. Does this mean that I want suffering? Well, no. I consider it a blessing because this attract more of my attention to Christ than good things. I learn from it and I live in it. I keep the bruises that impact or make a sort of change in my life. but for the good things that I experience, they are OK but not as good as sufferings. Why? Because the enjoyment of it and the use of it will not last long. Suffering will make us aware about anything surrounding us. But the celebration can only last a day or an hours. Example of why I consider suffering as a blessing. When I face challenges in life i.e. brotherhood problem, I call out to God immediately and ask a lot of WHY questions that could last 30min. But when I face good experience, I sometimes just say "Thank you Lord" and my time with God will only last less than a minute. Some Examples of Suffering that you could take them to consideration are these: People starving in Africa and Somalia, even though you could not do nothing for them, it will make you start praying for them; When enemy strike you on the face, you come up with many ways of responding, but later you will look back and say that you could have done it better. Once you realize that, you come back to God and talk (pray) to Him. Since I've been talking about suffering as a blessing, let me just give a little glimpse of the other side of blessing. When you get receive a blessing from God, you take it and share it to other person. That person gets it and it will go back to God. Example: God calls me to Yap Mission, so I go. When I spread the word to those people who are not Christian yet, they will receive it and they become Christian if they choose to accept the Good News. That is how it function. I get the blessing (Gospel) from God and share it to my neighbor (Yapese) and he/she becomes a Christian (God's Family).

Friday, January 23, 2009

Not too less, Not too much. Make it enough.

There are lot of things that people tend to do often and not realizing that there is some bad effect of it. And what makes it bad is that when a person do things over the limit or under the standard level. But once they catch the err of their doings, they will say, "Ohhh".

Things are not bad unless you do them over the limits, or under the standard level. These are some good examples:
Instructor VS Student: There is nothing wrong with the student asking a question inside the class. But if the student will ask too much questions and consume much of the instructor's time of lecture, it was a benefit for that particular student, but was bad for the rest of the class because the instructor did not deliver his/her full lesson for the day and the rest of the students did not get that lesson. Now, other way around. If the instructor will give lecture for the day and give a chance for the student to ask questions, yet student is hesitating to ask question or not asking at all, it could give assumption to the instructor that the students understands the lesson even though there are some question in their mind. At the same time, student will go home with the question mark in his/her head because he/she did not ask question when he/she had a chance.

Coach VS Pit
cher: (Baseball) When coach see one particular pitcher that could throw any sorts of curves and knuckle ball, he can push the pitcher to draw so he could be confident regarding his throw, but putting him too much on the pitch mount, like for all innings of the games, he could destroy the pitcher's arm. Now, other way around. If the coach says that that particular pitcher got a good arm so he's trying to save him for the tough games, there is no way that that pitcher can improve his confidence when he cannot even go out to the easy or simple game and could cause a big loss when the coach put him on the tough game.

Last is Family VS Christian Work: There is nothing wrong with a Christian who spend
much time with his family and not attending church work. But that Christian must understand that the church (fellowship) could improve if his suggestions or idea could be heard among the fellow members. Even his strength when it comes to church work like fund raising and other sorts of activity could make a difference. Now, other way around. It is okay for a Christian to work in a church from the morning until evening on weekends and also on his spare times on the weekdays. But the problem is that if he does that, he neglect his family. He spend too much time at the church so the flame of love between him and his family would start dimming and sooner or later, it will die.

Balance things in your life. If you do that, you won't have any problems. Spend enough time with your family and enough time to go to church. Eat enough food and not too much or not too less. Speak enough words and not too much to irritate someone or not to less to bore someone. Make enough jokes for everyone to laugh but not too much to make someone get mad. Relax when you need some but don't relax too much to fail your class exams. Speak enough regarding the Gospel. Don't speak too much 'cause you might not have a chance to put them into actions. Check and Balance. Not too Less and Not too Much. Make it enough.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Enrollment on Spring Semester '08

Maaaaan,,,,this has to be the exciting semester. There are six new male students, five from Chuuk and one from Palau, that enrolled this semester. One of them is living outside the campus but the rest of them stay in the dorm. At the same time, five new female students enrolled this semester too. All of them live oustside campus and schooling. I mean, this gotta be a good semester. I can't wait to get to know these new students. Haha, actually, two of them are already my roomates and they are so cool. they both trasfer from Chuuk Teaching Facility, so they are not new to PIBC but new to Guam Campus.

It was kind of slow registeration. Most of the students came to register in the morning (January 19th), but there were some that even came to register in the late afternoon.

After the registeration, students were able to know what kind of book do they need for the classes that they enrolled, so as you can see Karin trying her best to help the students with their finances and payments for the books. Not only the books, but also the Room and Board and other liable needs on campus.

Aside from registeration, there were some students that finished earlier and they wanted to hang out with some of the brothers and sisters because it was a long month without seeing each other. Oh man, it's good to have all the brothers and sisters back on campus.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas Vacation

As the students started to leave the campus on the 19th of December 2008, I started to feel the loneliness within my heart. Some of the students that I knew and at the same time were also close friends of mine left that day, going back to their home island for good. With knowing that all the students are gonna be gone for a while, I started wondering how would I face this first challenge in my life, away from my family and live in the dorm with people that I barely knew. I've just met them in the beginning of September, 2008 and now we gonna share shelter under the same roof. Among these people were Me (Palau), Erten (Chuuk), Mamu (Bangladesh) and Sonny (Yap). As you can see, we all came from different places. To tell you the truth, my thought from the beginning was just a speculation because every single day in this one month Christmas Break was a blessing to me, and I know that it was a blessing to them too. When it comes to a task for the day, from 7:00hrs to 12:30hrs, we all enjoyed our work and everything worked so good. We all worked in unity and the greatest moments in the day was that 15minute break that we had. We used that to socialize and got to kn0w each others more. we had a lot of laughter during that particular 15minute of fame by recalling the times we had in elementary or talking about the talents of some former students in PIBC. Aside from that 15minute break, sit during the nights sharing our ideas and knowledge regarding our Christianity, and when our thoughts contradict to each other or we do not share the same thought, we debate on it to reveal the truth and learned from each other. With the thoughts and prides of where we came from, we turned them upside down and convert them into blessings. When it comes to food, instead of having a pride to show how talented we are in cooking, we choose someone to be our Sheff for the day. so with different background, we learned different ways of cooking and it became so blessings to us. Aside from cooking, our differences helped us to learn more from each other and it really worked on our skills of cross culture. So, for all of these been spoken, i think this is really good testimony that no matter where we came from, but when we are one in Christ, we will see marvelous things that God transforming in our lives.