Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How we should love

Watching and listening to this one clip on youtube, it brought something to my mind that I am about to write.

It is amazing how we prioritize things in our lives that really shifts things around and we tend to not realizing that the true priorities in our lives are actually not on the list or hard to see them on the list. On this blog, i will be sharing some of the expience and the observations that i've encountered in my life.

There are many times that when we go to the store, we tend to forget to eat. That is the biggest mistake that a shopper will do when they go shopping (Forget to eat before going to the store). With the stomach empty, with our list of groceries in our hand, and knowing in our mind what are the proirities, it never gonna work when we go shopping with empty stomach.

When I was taking Consumer Math Class in high school, I learned that the first rule of shopping, is never shopping with empty stomach or hungry. You must eat before you go to the store. When you go to the store with empty stomach, everything that you see will be tasty, especially on the sweet section and in the soda fridge. Everything will look like Alice in the WonderLand. so peaceful and so juicy. Your imagination is so strong that when you look at some candy bar on the shelf, your mouth starts to water and it seems like the candy bar is in your mouth already. When you go and about to grab specific candy bar, you see another different one, so you stop and start thinking what you gonna take. Without knowing it, you already consume five minutes looking at these candy bars on just one isle. The time went by so fast and you just don't know. All of the sudden, you look at your hand and saw a white piece of paper on it, realizing that it is a shopping list. "Ooops". YES, you definitley gonna say "Ooops". start walking around and grabbing whatever inside the store that was on that shopping list. But still, in your mind, you want to go back to that isle of candy bars. NOTE:(There is no candy bar on the list). So you start estimating the items that you are getting. When you realized that there are enough change for the candy bar, you take the last item and then walked through the candy bar isle and grab the candy bar. Ooops. guess what? there must be something that has to partner up with this candy bar. so you walk to the refigerator and grab the soda... oh never mind soda. Too small. Get the Gatorade..... tsk tsk tsk. you go to the cashier and he/she start scanning. everything that you grabbed fits the amount of money that you have. That's approximately $2.50 unnecessary spending that you did. later days, when you are really broke, you wish that you did not spend those money for just satisfaction.
So how we solve this problem? very easy. eat and drink before you go to the store. I have tried it many times and it does work. it's the first rule of consumer math , so that means that there was a survey about it before it went inside that textbook. They did not just write that rule in there because they want to. So eat before you go shopping.

This is just the same situation when it comes to love between us and our families.

Our family is the first priority in our physical life. But many times, we tend not to think abou them or we tend to put them in the last part of our priority list.
When we start making friends, we start to receive good respond that we want from our friends. We start connecting with them based on the same interests. All of the sudden, we become so addicted with fun with our friends and try to enjoy to the max. We receive a call from our friends that they are going to the beach... so we ask for the key from our parents and hop inside the car and go to the beach and have fun. On the weekdays, we are too busy studying so we dont have much time enjoying with our family. then another weekend arrive. THen a friend call that they are going Jet Skying. So we ask for the key and hop on the car and go. then the weekdays. then the weekend, then the weekdays, the weekend. still, no time with our family. What's the problem on this? Two people who helps us to be well educated, two people who make sure that we dont get hungry, two people who make sure that we have roof to stay under, two people who are making sure that we have transporation with gas so we can travel to anywhere we want so easily, we failed to acknowledge or spend time with them. Because of our excitements and enjoyments with our friends, we have failed to see these provisions that they give us everyday. We have failed to love them back. we have failed to put them as the first priority in our list. Instead, they were the last people that we think of when it comes to the priority.
What's the solution for this? Knowing what's important for you and your family before thinking about the outsiders.... and yes, our friends are outsiders when it comes to the family.

This is just the same when it comes to serving God and this is the focus that i want us to focus on.

We live in a sinful world because of the sin that was committed by Adam and Eve. Because of that, we love to sin. it is our instinct. it is in our blood to sin. Everyone are capable of murdering, lusting, covetting, raping, masturbating, pornography, idolatry, immorality, suicide, adultery, and any sin that you could think of. we are all capable of these because they're our instinct. We were not made to do them but because of the sin that was committed, have become emptied and lusting for satisfaction of our body. Feeding our mind, our heart, our body with anything that we think that are tasty. Let me tell you something. all sin are tasty to us, humanly speaking. The reason why everything are so tasty or let me use the word attractive. the reason why everything are so attractive to us is because we are empty. our mind, our soul, or heart, even our body. there is nothing in this world that can satisfy us once and for all. NONE. But here is a thing. Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins and He has tore the vail so now we can just go to Him without using other person or Priest. We can just pray directly to Him now. And He is our Hope. He is the one that can satisfy our needs. Believe it or not, He does give us satisfaction. But why some of us, including myself,.... you know what? not some but most.... why most of us the Christians already know that He is the priority, the HOPE for our lives, and yet we still put Him on the second, third, fourth, or...so sad... so sad. WHY? Huh? WHY? Why when we talk to our friends, we talk only ten minutes about God and 50minutes about other things and not relating them to God? Why when we spend 30minutes talking about blessings, we dont spend time thanking God? Huh? Why?.... Now some of us say that we thank God when we talk about blessings. In some part of that, i believe, but most part, i don't. Some of us usually say, "Oh, I thank God for this and this, and thank God for this and this, and thank God for you being part of my life, thank God because you're such a blessing...etc" Stop the Crap. this is not thanking God. Thanking God is when we start praying to God and talk to Him and start giving Him thanks. That's the part that I agree when someone say that he/she is giving thanks to God. We have missed the priority. Let me share this and this is one of the biggest mistake that i see almost everyday. People write their prayers online/facebook. We have missed the proirity, people. Writing on facebook gives information to the world or friends from other places that you are not in. writing a prayer online/facebook is boasting your prayer. you're showing your prayer to everyone what you are praying for. The Bible tells us not to boast our prayers but to hide inside the room and pray. We have missed our priority. Facebook is not connecting to God but and instrument that is used to connect to other people to Glorify God. We don't connect with God on facebook. writing a prayer on facebook is giving information. To make it more clear, writing prayer online/facebook is using our prayer to entertain people. simple as that. Seems like we have lost our sights of what's the priorities in our grocery list. Prayer to God has to be pure. What makes this worse is that writing things to facebook, we mostly make typo error so we have to delete and then make corrections. Prayer should not be edited. Seems like some have lost the priority of prayer, which is PRAYING in the Room and NOT BOASTING them to the world. Now it seems like we only hear about God but it's in vain. It seems like we have lost the true picture. It seems like we have lost the true priority. To fix this, Pray to God silently in our room and not boasting our prayers to the whole world. It's in the Bible. Also, when we say I praise God for this and that, do the actual prayer prior to that before you share it to others or pray right after you share it. if you don't pray before or after you say that, it is in vain. God should be the priority. We should be concious of God in our mind and heart whenever we talk about praises, whenever we talk about praying. You can enjoy boasting your prayers and let others see what you write, but if you are editing them, delete and write again, i say it's in vain. You have missed the priority. You can share your praises to others about how God has dealt with your life, but if you don't actually pray and give praise to Him, your sharing of praise is in vain. You have missed the true priority.

When you go to the store, have your stomach filled up, so when you go buy your items, you get what's on your priority list. When you enjoy your time with your friends, dont forget your responsibility by also sharing your love to them, spending time with them. WHen you pray or giving praise, Don't forget to put God first in your mind. Be concious of Him all the time. He is your proirity because He is the reason for your life. He is my priority because He is the reason for my life. He is our proirity because He is the LIFE.

THat's how we should love. Getting what's on your priority list is treating you right, loving yourself; responsiblility to spending time with your family is treating your love ones right, loving your family; being concious with God when praying or giving praises is treating God right, loving God. That's how we should love.

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