One thing i found out about myself. Since i was young, i never found out much about myself. but it was very quick for me to explore external and internal about myself. through struggle and trials in my life when i was young until no

w, i went through a lot that helped me shape up my life, but not only that, but also explore of who i am. I am a very time oriented person who will stick to what i say. I am not a typical micronesian. I have suffered trying to live like micronesian but it never fits me. I am a time oriented person, and i get irritated easily when people dont show up on the time where they said they would show up. This is something that is in my life that i've tried to change it but it cannot. i was born TIME ORIENTED person and i stick to my promises. I am a man of my words. But you may think that it is easy for me but there is more that i want to reveal on this blog. There are two things in my life that keeps me going and at the same time, very challenging for me sometimes. The first one, I am a perfectionist and the second one is OCD. If you dont know what is OCD, it is Obsesive Compulsive Disorder. This kind of disorder make me do things that are wierd and not normal for most of the people. if you are familiar with the Episode show called MONK, you can understand my sitation. Monk is a true OCD and i thin

k he is at the highest. But for me, i am not so extreme like him but i go beyond normal. Let me show you some things to prove to you that i am OCD. When i chew any food, they gotta be evenly shared on both side of my mouth (left and right). When i shake someone's hand, i sometimes wipe it with my other hand, or in other word, i shake of the imaginary dust or dirt from it. I say sometimes because sometimes i dont. I'm not too extreme like Monk. When i walk across the tiles, i have to be evenly share the lines of the tiles or square on both of my feet. if i walk and my right foot step on top of the line, my left foot have to do that also, if the lines run out and my left did not step on the line, my right foot literally drag on the ground to wipe off the imaginary line that has stuck under my foot. again, not all the time because im not extreme OCD. when someone tap on my shoulder, i sometimes wipe of the imaginary dust on my shoulder. okay, i say imaginary and i know that it's imaginary. So why do i keep wiping or shaking off the dust if i kn

ow that they are just imainary? well, to be honest, the feeling is not imaginary. i feel the dust or dirt on my shoulder or on my hand when i shake hand. Also the imaginary line under my foot is real for me. i actually feel it that's why i have to drag my foot to wipe that line off of my foot. Is it cazy? yes, it is crazy for normal people but for me it is not crazy. This is something that many people don't understand. And again, i said PERFECTIONIST. Combining my perfectionist and OCD together, it makes me fulfill the things that i promised on time and it makes me follow what people say and it will benefit if they are time oriented. but if they are event oriented, it's a hurt to me. That's why a lot of time i make small things to be big deal or problem for me. Because normal people think that it is no big deal, but for me, it is a different story. It's a big deal. So am I a typical Micronesian? I dont know. I still say no. These stuff that i have makes me live easier when I'm with westerners. Why do i say that? I say this based on my experiences.
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