Saturday, October 17, 2009

Spiritual Emphasis

This Spiritual Emphasis was very good and I believe that it met all the expectations of many people regarding our Spiritual lives. I know it did met my expectations. Even the speaker is very special because he flew from California all the way to this very island of Guam just to give us three sessions or messages (Word of God) with nothing to ask for. How amazing and blessing is that. So let me just tell the story through pictures. The name of the speaker is Matt. Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce you Matt Augee.....
Sorry.. wrong picture... let's try again....

Sorry... wrong again...ok... one more time..
That's better...
Matt has been a good friend with Steve and coming to Guam is not his first time but this is like his second time after so many years. He said that coming to Guam is "coming home" for him. You can learn more about Matt on PIU blog. He came with Dan Fields who is a professional photographer, not only a professional photographer, but also is a Christian. Dan is not a Missionary but a Passionary.

I will let the pictures speak for itself about the Spiritual Emphasis.
First thing we did was to have some quiet time with God individually for about an hour...

Then there was Ice BreakerThen we were divided into our community group and prayed and discussed about what we felt about the passage that Rob gave us and how God spoke to us through that passage...

Then there was lunch
People were so lovable and cared for each other these days in this Spiritual Emphasis
Then we had competition between community groups
First one was blowing flour and find something under it...
We had some in between flour and watermelon... and watermelon was the last event.....
Oh yes... they were monster beast, torturing and ripping the layers and sucking the blood of these poor watermelons...wahhhahahahahha...After this, then we took off to Bay View

We had Commuter students that joined us and it was a blessing to have them with us... including these Chinese sisters of ours.....
We played some rubber rockets sponsored by Matt... thanx Matt...
Dan was there with us and he took a lot of pictures so you guys can check them on his website....

Oh, well that's my roommate... call him Diki boo
After the fun and games, Matt gave us the first Session
Then he gave us instructions of how to put this very particular puzzle together, then he tossed them and let us solve it. It was also an exercise of communication.
After we played that, and Matt relate it to our spiritual lives, the basketball team took off for the game and we won over Abundant Life. We came back to Bay View and ate delicious dinner.
Then, we did a worship.
This was one of my best moment in my life, especially when I worship with my PIU Family. I was so moved.
Next day we had a Sunrise Service
Not only the Deans but also some staffs were with us... This is Hartmut ane Urte.
This is Kalvin and Ninio
Some of the students are not a morning people
Rob shared some Scriptures in the book of Psalm and I also shared Scriptures that was in the book 1Peter Chapter 2.
After this service, we split and did our quiet times. On my quiet time, after I meditate on Psalm 103, I spent some part of this quiet time enjoying the creations of God that was around me that moment...
Thanks to our sister because they were the ones preparing our breakfasts. I love you sisters.
After breakfast, Matt gave us his session #2

And again, there was another ice breaker which we enjoyed it too...After Matt delivered his message for that session #2, we were divided into community groups and shared of how God spoke to us in our quiet time.

During our sharing in our community groups, one student shared her experience and during her sharing, it brought tears of joy to here eyes because she felt really good so some of the sisters were comforting her with hugs and some thanksgiving of her sharing.
After the community group, people were so tired so some of them took a nap during lunch hour.
After lunch, we were free until 4:00pm then Matt delivered his last message on that third Session. This time i did not have pictures to take because by this time I was using Dan's camera to take pictures.
After the session, we broke out and there was dinner and clean up/pack-up. Then the best thing happened at the very end which was Wrap-up Worship Time.

And That's how we ended our Spiritual Emphasis this 2009
Word of thanks to these three sisters of our who were living outside and were willing to take part of this Spiritual Emphasis. They are from China and Taiwan.
This was the Best Spiritual Emphasis I've ever experienced. I tried to show the video but there were some technical problem of loading so I could not load it. Like what I always say in my saying and my prayers, I can never thank God enough for these blessings that He brings to my life. God is good all the time and everyday all day.

Some of you may think, "Why there's no post about the topic of the Spiritual Emphasis or the things that the Speaker was talking about." Well Students, the question is "What was the topic of the Spiritual Emphasis and what was the speaker talking about on each three sessions. This might come with the reward. I know what were they but I will not tell you. Whoever answer these questions will probably get some fair reward from me. This only goes to the students. Make sure put your name so no one will claim your answer if the answer is correct. If you cannot give me answer through this because you do not have a blog or access to blogger, then give me the answer around the campus.

1 comment:

  1. Meluat,
    I have REALLY ENJOYED your blog! You have done a wonderful job here! I appreciate your joy in the Lord! God Bless you my brother in Christ Jesus!
    Thanks for sharing it!!
    In Jesus
    Julie Immanuel
