Monday, November 23, 2009


There will be times that you will have to encourage people, but there are also times that you need encouragements. At this point of my life, I am really dry on encouragement. Sometimes I think that I am encouraging people, but instead, I bring more troubles to myself, more like a headache. There are some things that are happening in my life and sometimes, I just want to sleep and never come out of my room. I have lack of sleep; I hardly prioritize now; my head is not thinking well; I have family issues coming here and there that I am thinking of; I have some works as a Student Council President that needs to be done, actually, not some but a lot; I have some ministry things that I need to take care of.... There are many things in my life that I do not share right now. I am dry when it comes to encouragement. I really need encouragement. ITS HARD to wake up every morning when I know that I have a lot of things that i need to take care of. ITS HARD for me to face a day when I know that I am overwhelmed with my own problems or issues and some of my brothers come to me and seek encouragements. ITS HARD for me to help a person when he or she have the same problem that I have and I know that even me is struggling on that particular issue. I know that these things happens to my life for a reason. If it was not God's will for me to face these struggles, then it would never happened to me. I know God allow this in my life because He have a great plans for me. I am not complaining, but just want to give thanks to God for these because it helps me come to the Lord more than usual. I thank God for allowing me to face these things because these are sharpening stone in my life. I thank God that He gave me the ability to SEE so i can see the blessings surrounding me. I thank God for my ability to walk so I can WALK to my br0thers and sisters and bless them as they bless me. I thank God for my ability to TALK so i can give encouragement and receive encouragement from others. I thank God for my ability to LOVE so I can love others as HE loves me. But one thing is that I can never thank God enough for his GRACE and MERCY for giving me breath and sparing another day for me to live. And the last thing that I want to say is that I can never thank God enough for dying on a cross for my sins. Praise be to GOD and nothing else.

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