Sunday, June 21, 2009

Great Commission

Being a student with a desire to serve the Lord outside my own comfort zone is really challenging but a great blessing too. I've been here in Thailand for about two weeks and there are lot of things that happened which really made me more closer to God than ever. One thing that i kept in my mind before I left, even pastor Hiob was telling me about was the washing of the feet. I kept this idea in my mind and i was really convict to do it. From the day i left Guam and until i arrive here in Thailand, it never got out of my head. so for a week, i was looking for a chance to do it. I really wanted to do it before we started our ministry on campus but i did not have a chance. After a week, it was my turn to do devotion, so that's when i had a chance to do it. I read John 13 while i was washing the feet of my brothers and sisters. The reason why i was doing it is because it says in the bible that we should do it because our teacher did it. At the same time, it helped me humble myself down and always know that i am not better or above anyone on this mission trip but same level. And last was to show that i do love my brothers and sisters on this mission trip and i am willing to wash their feet and help them through any sort of challenges that we face on this mission.

Other than that, the mission is so blessing and this coming Tuesday and Wednesday, we will have a chance to show the Thai students where we come from by showing them in our booth. Sorry there are no pictures because i left my camera in the church last sunday and the pastor that took it says he will give it to me tomorrow. The family that im experiencing right now is flooded with blessings. We make jokes to each other and we comfort each other. We tease each other and encourage each other and it really helps us especially when we finish our good day in the campus. The ministry in the campus is very effective. Before, we approach students to talk to them. But now, there are some students that actually asking us to sit with them and ask a lot of questions about us which is really a blessings. I already met one student who is a christian and Kalvin met one student on friday who is Christian too. it makes us feel good and know that there are some students attending Maejo University that are part of God's family. I have a lot of blessings that i want to share on this post but i have to go because we're going to do a "Walking Street" today. i will post again whenever i have a chance. Thank you all for praying for us.

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