I just want to take this time and thank all the 2009-2010 StuCo members for the works that we shared together. We went through some challenges but we have gain more knowledge and understanding of working together. You guys have made this school year for me a successful and fruitful for me. I have learned a lot from you guys and at the same time, I have learned more about leadership through this StuCo presidential position than learning inside the class. I will surely miss working with you guys. We say that we will see each other on campus, but that is not so intimate like how we worked together as a team under StuCo. This academic year was really challenging to us, the StuCo, because there were lot of things that we were doing and the deadline on them were very crunching to one after another. We ratified the Bylaw and that was the most challenging in our work and we made it. Let's just pray that it will be the final ratification and be approved.
I also want to take this time and thank all the staff and faculty for their prayers and support to our team (StuCo). If you are a staff and reading this one, i want to make a report and say that the StuCo members that i was working with did their best and they worked really hard with me to make things happen. We just wished that there were more time but times are very limited. I have seen one or two members in StuCo sacrificing by skipping one of their class to make things done. It was planned by StuCo for this person to skip class, but it was his/her own choice to skip and make things happen. I can say that that is heart. They have taught me a lot, especially that one person who took one absent to make things done to make sure that people will get what they need and what StuCo promised them.
I also want to thank God about this past voting for the upcoming StuCo members. The team that are going to work this coming school year are really good team. I would say that they will make a good government. I want us to remember them in our prayer.
Once again, thank you very much and let us just be happy of what God is doing in our lives.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Mulan is a Bethania Alumni from China. She has incarnate with Micronesian people very well. Mulan is one of the student over here in Pacific Island University and is very good person to hang out with. She is very outgoing person and knows how to socialize.
Ceci is from Palau and grew up in Yap most of time in her life. She is also PIU student and has been involved in some ministries like Thai Mission that went to Thailand last summer 2009. Ceci likes to take pictures and very creative when it comes to movies/slideshow presentation. She finished her AA last semester and decided to change her program to BA so now she is still with us and persuing her BA. She is also a memer of the mission trip that goes to the States this summer 2010.
Rob has been here in Micronesia for over five years and he is currently working here in PIU as a Dean of Men and there are other more titles that he holds over here in PIU Campus.
Vincent is very new to our PIU family and has been a blessing to my life and some other students. Every night he comes to my room and read Scriptures with my roommate Leeman and sometimes they play games by racing to find the Scripture. Vincent is one of the many students in PIU that I always look up to and get a blessings from. He is very open person and is very eager to learn about missions and ministries. Not only those, but mostly want to learn more about God.
Hartmut is from Germany and has been serving God over here in Micronesia for many years also. He was serving the branch or PIBC in Tol and now he is serving God over here in Guam Campus.
Hipper is also student of PIU and has been a blessing to my life. He is persuing his education under AA program and this will be his last semester. Through my conversation with one time, he wanted to change from AA to BA but he will see when times come. He is very quiet but when it comes to the basketball court, he's very fast and have a lot of good moves.
Davy was my roommate last semester and he has been a blessing in my life. He is one of the student that always challenge me. I always look up to this guy even though he is younger than me. I see that he has a lot of good characteristics of leadership in him. He is one my pertners of asking questions in Larry Bock's class in Pauline Literature. I'm really happy to have Davy as a part of my life.
Daisy is a missionary from Texas who came to Palau in 2008 for Gospel Day and found out about PIU aka PIBC and decided to attend PIBC. She is from Texas and has served a lot of Micronesians in the States, mostly Palauans. She is a part time student and staff over here in PIU campus. She want to serve God in Palau after she graduate over here. She has been a blessing to a lot of PIU family and very mission minded person. God has brought her here and she has been a helpful person in our lives.
Davy and Tyler sitting and resting during the basketball game. I think they were making their plans for the championship and they did took the champion.
Montel and Jeremiah (Sou sou)
Montel is a graduate student and now continuing his education, persuing his Master course right now.
Two of a very special person in my life over here in PIU. They have been a good example in my life and have been a good helper when I need something. The first time I came to PIU, they were always by my side, helping me with everything. I think we are going to march out together. They are also very dedicated students and have been a big blessing to Palau Evangelical Church in Guam. They both teach sunday school and they are involved in some small ministry in PECG.
Montel is a graduate student and now continuing his education, persuing his Master course right now.
Sou Sou is undergraduate student and still persuing his BA. He is a very gifted in basketball. When we play basketball, he's fast, got moves, and knows how to play as a team.
These are all Palauans that are potential future student over here in PIU. At the same time, these are the youths that I minister to them every Friday nights in Tumon Village. Pray for them that they may be able to attend PIU in the future.
Beau is a student that is very gifted in singing and composing songs. She has been a blessing to my life over here in PIU. She is very quiet but very outgoing once you get to know her.
Jenn is a teacher who teach English courses and has been a blessing to my life and also other student's lives.
Jake is very close brother of mine and is also very gifted in basketball skills. He's fast, got moves, not only that, but he also got style. He's very gifted in playing keyboard or piano. He's also one of the students that will be going to the states this summer.
Stella is from Yap and working as a librarian. She is very close to me, not that she is from Yap or we have good conversation, but also, her two brothers are very good friends of mine. Me and one of her brother were taking mechanic courses in Palau Community College. Stella is more like a family to me.
Justin's story is almost like Jake's. He is good in basketball and very gifted in playing keyboard and piano. He is also a member of the mission trip to the States this summer "Voices of Micronesia". He also have touched my life and been a blessing to me.
Jayleen is also a Bethania alumni and has been a blessing to my life. She is very stong in ministry works and very outspoken person. She has a lot of leadership in her and has helped me in my ministry as a STU CO President. I really enjoyed working with Jayleen in STU CO. She is also a member of "The Voices of Micronesia".
Tyler is a Palauan and also a student of PIU. He has been a blessing to me and a lot of students. There are some ministries that he is very actively involved and has been a good role model for me. I really appreciate Tyler's leadership and he has been a big help with me and other students. He sometimes just come to the campus and pick up some students and go do ministry inside the mall or other open places.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Random Pictures

she's hanging on the air. Y0u go Steph.

Christmas 2009

Everytime I take a shot, she's always ready. I cannot take a surprise
picture out of her.

New Mexico team (Summer 2009)
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