I was raised with independent thinking, so with that kind of ability, I always wanted challenges. After I came from military and serving Palau church for over a year, I realized that I wanted more than just ministering over here in Micronesia. One of the first place that came to my mind was China. I wanted to do ministry to places that people hardly speak the Gospel, or places that are unreached when it comes to the Gospel. I had this thing
Friday, November 27, 2009
Calling from God
Putting all the things that I experience in my life together and praying about the place that I want to serve in the future is really something to me right now. When it comes to preaching, I get disturbed too much. When I listen to the preacher on any Sundays, I get disturbed because when the person preach, I start thinking about some good sermons that pops out of my mind through his illustrations, examples, or sometimes only one of his point. When it comes to conversation about cross cultu
re, I am really crazy about it. Sometimes I get too crazy that makes me want to quit school and go straight ahead to Thailand and serve there. But I know that if that happens, I probably succeed in some point but I know that I would struggle because it is not God's timing but my timing to go to Thailand. A lot of things happens in my life that seems so crazy and I know that some people get irritated about them because I speak about them too much, like mission abroad. But I know that there is a reason why I keep talking about them. Even before I went to Thai Mission Trip, I already start talking about it. My mentality is little bit different from a lot of people around me, whether over here in Guam of back in Palau. I always look beyond what normal viewer see. What I mean about that is that a lot of Christians over here in Micronesia only look within their territories because they see what strength and what weaknesses is happening around them. But what I am looking for is beyond that one. Some of the things that always comes to my mind are future Micronesian Church Leaders. What I am looking at is tha
t I want them to go outside their own island to experience some cross-culture ministry and see other people's need so they will actually know what to talk about when it comes to church needs or the needs of a person struggling walking with Christ. I have told some of you that I want to be a full time missionary in Thailand. And what I want to do over there is to make a channel for future Micronesian Church leaders to come and experience Thailand Mission before they take their permanent or long term mission. I am talking about Thailand, because my heart is with those people over there. But if God does not want me to go to Thailand, then I will just pray and hope that He send me anywhere else but the States and anywhere over here in Micronesia.
I was raised with independent thinking, so with that kind of ability, I always wanted challenges. After I came from military and serving Palau church for over a year, I realized that I wanted more than just ministering over here in Micronesia. One of the first place that came to my mind was China. I wanted to do ministry to places that people hardly speak the Gospel, or places that are unreached when it comes to the Gospel. I had this thing
that came to my mind that "there are a lot of Christians over here in Micronesia that can deal with struggles within their reach." That made me realize that there are not many people, or let me say Micronesians, doing ministries abroad, especially when it come to the 10-40 window. I have made up my mind that God is calling me to do ministry in Thailand. I have a feeling about it but I have not receive the confirmation. It's just made up in my mind. But I am ready. My mind and my heart and everything in me are ready to be sent to do ministry there right after I graduate. I no one will send me, I will do it myself. I have seen the needs of people over there in Thailand and they need people to stay there, not only two months, but I am talking about years. Mission trip during summer is good but it is not good enough. If there is someone that will change that two month ministry into years, that is gonna be me if it's according to the Will of Almighty God. I have been prompted by others, I have experienced or seen the needs over there, and I have a reasonable decision about going to do ministry over there so I am going. If you are reading this and you think that your gift is cross c
ulture ministry and wanna give a try out, start praying right now so when the time comes for departure, you may know if this is your calling or not. I do not know that if my definition of full time missionary is right or not. I say I want to be a full time missionary over there, but if the definition of full time missionary is like 10-20, than I would want to change my word again. I want to be a lifer. I will do my ministry over there and plant my tomb stone over there after my last breath. God is calling me, and I know that Micronesia is not one of them. Calling from God... it does not hurt to give a try and you will not regret it if you go outside. You can always come back. But I believe that if you stay here in Micronesia without tasting the bit of mission abroad, you will regret it when someone come later after you and tell you the experience he/she gained when he/she went abroad. Money is just a little paper that destroys your focus on what God wants you to do. So don't ever say money is the problem. God's ca
lling you. Are you there by the phone and ready to answer it? I know I am. Send me anywhere and I will take it. But I just pray that not over here in Micronesia or the States. And I am talking about life time or permanent mission. God is always by the telephone and waiting for you to call Him..."Call upon me in times of trouble, I will deliver you and you will honor Me." (Psalm 50:15) What about you? Are you ready to answer God's calling? Maybe your phone is ringing right now. I know I have and my respond to Him is this, "Send me anywhere and I will go."
I was raised with independent thinking, so with that kind of ability, I always wanted challenges. After I came from military and serving Palau church for over a year, I realized that I wanted more than just ministering over here in Micronesia. One of the first place that came to my mind was China. I wanted to do ministry to places that people hardly speak the Gospel, or places that are unreached when it comes to the Gospel. I had this thing
Monday, November 23, 2009
There will be times that you will have to encourage people, but there are also times that you need encouragements. At this point of my life, I am really dry on encouragement. Sometimes I think that I am encouraging people, but instead, I bring more troubles to myself, more like a headache. There are some things that are happening in my life and sometimes, I just want to sleep and never come out of my room. I have lack of sleep; I hardly prioritize now; my head is not thinking well; I have family issues coming here and there that I am thinking of; I have some works as a Student Council President that needs to be done, actually, not some but a lot; I have some ministry things that I need to take care of.... There are many things in my life that I do not share right now. I am dry when it comes to encouragement. I really need encouragement. ITS HARD to wake up every morning when I know that I have a lot of things that i need to take care of. ITS HARD for me to face a day when I know that I am overwhelmed with my own problems or issues and some of my brothers come to me and seek encouragements. ITS HARD for me to help a person when he or she have the same problem that I have and I know that even me is struggling on that particular issue. I know that these things happens to my life for a reason. If it was not God's will for me to face these struggles, then it would never happened to me. I know God allow this in my life because He have a great plans for me. I am not complaining, but just want to give thanks to God for these because it helps me come to the Lord more than usual. I thank God for allowing me to face these things because these are sharpening stone in my life. I thank God that He gave me the ability to SEE so i can see the blessings surrounding me. I thank God for my ability to walk so I can WALK to my br0thers and sisters and bless them as they bless me. I thank God for my ability to TALK so i can give encouragement and receive encouragement from others. I thank God for my ability to LOVE so I can love others as HE loves me. But one thing is that I can never thank God enough for his GRACE and MERCY for giving me breath and sparing another day for me to live. And the last thing that I want to say is that I can never thank God enough for dying on a cross for my sins. Praise be to GOD and nothing else.
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